+ Exit requested, errorlevel=U FDEXIT. FDSCAN fdexit.* fdrescan.nowU + Rescan requested Waiting for a call or event Waiting for a call PROMPT?PROMPT=$aEnter the command "EXIT" to return to FrontDoor.$_$p$g Waiting for a call or event Carrier detected Carrier lost Terminating callU J< u; Point of -Unpublished- Unknown No name ,V42U Sending text in ? Read error in U Terminating callU Remote reports CRC error( No acknowledgement of handshake packetU Timeout waiting for hello packet , ~ SysOp: %? Invalid address: AKA of this system#? Invalid address: No zone supplied -Unlisted- Point of "- Refused mail from unlisted point!- Refused mail from unlisted node ? Password error. Expected " ", received " "! Password protected mail session#- Refused mail: No password defined ? Unexpected password received " CRC error in hello packetU **EMSI_U ZAP,ZMO,ARC,XMA FrontDoor 1.99c IDENT **EMSI_DAT PASSWORD.SYSU ? Invalid password for ", expected " ? Unexpected password from EMSI_DAT EMSI-Recv: Timeout ? EMSI-Recv: Failed'? Invalid address: AKA of this system ( )%? Invalid address: No zone supplied ( IDENT , ~ SysOp: ~ Using: -Unlisted- Point of "? Refused mail from unlisted point!? Refused mail from unlisted node! Password protected mail session#? Refused mail: No password defined ZMO$? EMSI-Recv: No compatible protocols NPU"~ EMSI-Recv: Remote refused pickup HAT ~ EMSI-Recv: Remote refused mailU ? Carrier lostU Connection progress ????????.REQ 19200 1200/75 38400 INBOUND OUTBOUND Initiating remote Waiting for line to settle down INQ$Attempting to establish mail session EMSI_R Sending EMSI handshake packet Received EMSI handshake packet ? EMSI handshake failure Sending handshake packet Received handshake packet ? Session handshake failed ? Fatal timeout, session aborted#? Too much garbage, session aborted ? No response from remote system"Mail-only system. Please hang up. Processing network mail only. 3The system does not allow human callers right now. Press Escape twice for ; Noncommercial version EMSI_I! Receiving EMSI handshake packet Sent EMSI handshake packet Receiving handshake packet Sent handshake packet + Rejecting incoming call at baud Sorry, this BBS does not support bps. Call terminated. + Rejecting human caller + Incoming call at is being loaded. DOBBS.BAT eXEbbS ? Error creating batch file: Carrier lostU 5 L Q V [ d m !3!=!L!n! "L"["`"o" #5#?#i# &!&&&0&>&H&o&t&y& &.(<(P)^) ,$,),8,X,b,y, -P-_-n-{- .%.:.I.N.[. .G/L/[/ 1/141>1C1P2^2 3 3.3J3Y3 4P4[4j4 4"555J5y5 6e6|6 7)7=7`7e7 8"8B8G8Z8n8 8 9)929T9 >%>*>/>I>^>y> ?=?_?c@ A#ASA^AcAvA C"C5C[C D@DEDXDdDpD|D F$F=FBFLFhFyF G#G/G8GRG HTHYHlHqHvH H1I6IIINISI_IwI|I J-J2JCJYJzJ J K6KmK L!L1LC&+u >C&2t >B&Pu >B&Pu >B&Pu >C&+t >C&2u " ' 5 Z _ t y Fixed CR/LF LF U Scroll Lock Num Lock Extended Normal Alt-F10 %You are connected, exit anyway (Y,N): Nodelist not available You are already connected Modem reports Insufficient memory Sending BREAKU 3=0us. =8Hu= =2Pu> =7Gu" =1Ou0 =6Mu! & : ^ k x History No historyU U$F2|-Kill buffer $F3|-Screen to disk $F4|-Buffer to disk $F10|-Exit $ |-MoveU Filename:%Enter filename or press Esc to abort. "Unable to process destination file,File already exist. [A]ppend or [O]verwrite: ; Y[; Dispose scroll buffer (Y,N): Screen to disk"Unable to process destination file Buffer to disk Writing buffer..U Conversation mode V$Esc|-Exit Alt: $C|-Clear local $R|-Clear remote $T|-Toggle translation 4< u0 and >B&Pu >B&Pu >C&+t >C&2u >B&Pu >B&Pu >C&+t >C&2t No editor has been installed Editor Parameters: Unable to invoke editorU SCRLTMP.$$$ DOS Shell4There is not enough disk space available to save the1temporary scroll buffer. If you shell to DOS, the1scroll buffer will be removed from memory. Do you still want to continue (Y,N): Yy/Unable to write temporary scroll buffer to disk Processing scroll buffer.. Unable to shell to DOS0Unable to read temporary scroll buffer from diskU Host requested VT100U Shift <]w: <^r>Some emulation protocols and remote applications accepts "raw"=keyboard codes. The Avatar emulation protocol and the doorway?program are two of those. If you activate scroll lock, all keys>will send extended (raw) codes instead of the ASCII (A,B,etc.) characters.U These are the functions of the keys5 for all keyboard layouts when the4 numerical keypad mode is active. 0 2 ? M V U Host requested cursor key modeU Host requested standard key mode Host requested VT52U [?1;2cU >,1[u >,1[u >,1[uE >,1 u >,1[u >,1[u >,1[u >,1[u >,1[u >,1[u >,1[u >,1 u >,1 u >,1 u >,1[t ,1<[u ,1<[u ,1<[u ,1<[u >,1#u >,1#u >,1#u >,1 u' >,1 u >,1[t >,1[t >,1[t >,1[t9 u<0r+<9w' /,1[u >,1[u >,1[u ,1<[u >,1[u >,1[u >,1[u >,1[u >,1 u >,1[u >,1[u >,1[uS >,1[u' >,1[u >,1[t& >,1[u >,1[u >,1 u >,1[u3 >,1[u- >,1[uW >,1[uE >,1[u, w,1[u, >,1[u- s<0r)<9w% / U % Identical file: (skipped)U ? Transfer aborted by remoteU ? Transfer aborted from keyboardU )? Transfer aborted due to too many errorsU Synchronizing with receiverU Synchronizing with senderU Session completedU ? Seek error in Resuming from U /Waiting for receiver to acknowledge end of fileU CRC errorU Checksum errorU TimeoutU ? Block retry limit exceeded ( (Unable to write to capture file, closed.U Capture%Capture file is open, close it (Y,N): Yy Filename:/Enter capture filename or press $Esc| to abort. Unable to create file,File already exist. [A]ppend or [O]verwrite: Aa!Unable to append to existing file Oo!Unable to overwrite existing fileU ; Y[; `< u; Disconnecting Carrier is still high!U |C=0uv> |C=0uv> c Terminal -Copyright 1989, 1990 Joaquim H. Homrighausen. All rights reserved.4Written by Joaquim H. Homrighausen and Peter StewartU Dial retry Press Space to force dial or to abort. Waiting to try again.. U Import from nodelistU Dialing Modem reports Manual connectionU Manual dial Number: Manually $Unable to create new phone directory Read error in phone directoryU !Unable to rewrite phone directoryU New entry, # Edit entry, #OAlt: $P|-Protocol $E|-Emulation $B|-Baud rate $W|-Word length $R|-ParityM$S|-Stop bits $X|-XlatTable $L|-Line feeds $I|-Import data $M|-Macro set>$A|-Avatar $D|-Local echo $Y|-Wraparound $N|-#/Name/Scrp $Esc|-Abandon $Enter|-Save Name : Number : Script : Line : Local echo: Protocol : Wraparound: Emulation: Avatar : Linefeeds: XlatTable: Macro set: Default Nodelist not available Save entry # (Y,N): Yy!Unable to process phone directoryU Online OfflineU You are already connected TERMINAL.SYS Insufficient memory Phone directory -Clear queue -Dial -Edit -Purge -Sort/Purge Space -Queue toggle -Add -Mark -Return to terminalU = 9u? 5 : E Y h #=#W# $#$1$k$ %*%5%B% %,&7&D&\&t& &:'W'a' (1(N( (,)E) *9*C+N+a+ ,,,=,Y,y, -,-<-V-f-v- 0(1A1 TERMKEYS.FDU TERMKEYS.FD'Unable to process macro definition fileU = CR/LF $~| = One second delay3Move between fields with $Up|/$Down|/$PgUp|/$PgDn|.P$F10|-Save changes $F9|-Import defaults $Esc|-Discard $Tab|-Toggle left/right TERMKEYS.FD'Unable to process macro definition fileU Use arrow keys to change set&$F1|-Delete all $F2|-Edit $F3|-New 1$F4|-Select $F5|-Find $F10|-Default $Esc|-ExitU Insufficient memory TERMKEYS.FD No macro sets defined Macro set management Macro set selection Shift F#Remove ALL macro definitions (Y,N): Yy&Unable to remove macro definition file Q|;*u % R r !"!|;*u fdnodial.sysU fdnodial.sysU =Undialable Tab-Upgrade Del-Delete all Ins-Add F10-Save Esc-Abort Undialable No systems have been flagged as undialable PgUp/PgDnU Add to undialable .FDCU 0 L Q ` L<-uD Event.Sys ? /? Unable to open event file, assuming no events (done) + Event Event Left Next Switching to alias: No eventsU .MsgU .msgU Deleting sent file: Truncating sent file: ? Error truncating sent file: ? Error opening message U ? Error opening sent bundle .PKTU Bundle not sent to ????????.fdc ????????.pktU *.FDC Checking message base - Processing undelivered packets Bundle not sent to U * G T k | $? Insufficient memory for file list!U Request.SysU ? Password error: ? Received: " ", expected: " Failed request INTL TOPT FMPT File Reason .This system does not accept file requests. 5File requests not accepted from unlisted systems. Requests at speeds below bps not accepted. 7This system does not allow file requests right now. size limit exceeded time limit exceeded#insufficient time before mail event limit exceeded File missing or password errorL This message was created automatically by the FrontDoor E-mail system. requested update requested !* Max number of requests exceeded ! Error opening aliasfile. \"! Error opening request list file.U Processing file requests .!* Max number of requests exceededU .REQU 0 5 [ t &!0!?!P!Z! #(#S#b#r# $/$>$Z$r$ $,%1%`%t% SECURE UNSECURE WAZOO OTHERU ? Password error: ? Received: " ", expected: " + Service: #? Error executing service request: Disposing of function requestsU 8 ] y u36;E packing msg packing msgs ? Message orphaned (orphan) reinstated updating msg U >|;-t - Preparing outbound mail# No messages to send in this eventU !8%\% &7(`( *F*K* Password.SysU ? Error opening file .Fdc: .Pkt: U ARCmail Via FrontDoor at U .FdcU (- Exiting with user defined errorlevel: ! Internal error, exiting ! External error, exiting(Insufficient diskspace (less than 32 Kb)"! Modem is not responding, exiting%! Unable to initialize modem, exiting$! Fossil revision 4 support required(! BNU or equivalent fossil not detected./! FrontDoor can not be loaded on top of itself. > User break, exiting - Executing event # .%- External event in progress, exiting - Mail received, exiting + Incoming call at baud /Enter net/node address or username searchstring Address: is not a valid address. Pvt Hold Down *.scr Script: (Press F10 for no script) >|;*u 9 W baud Accepts crash mailU Zones Nets in zone Nodes in net Points of PgUp/PgDn,The nodelist contains no points of this node` F -Move -Change level Enter-Select Tab-Verbose Esc-Abort Names.Fd OUse the highlight bar and Enter key to choose a name, or press F10 to continue.U PgUp/PgDn` $ Q m Sending Receiving Protocol : File : Size : Time : Bytes : Speed : Esc will abort the transferU . P s > User break, exiting ---------- opening log file closing log fileU Nodelist.FdxU NODELIST.FDX Can't open the nodelist index. Program aborted. fdnode.fda pvt NODELIST. Nodelist. PHONE.FDA PHONE.FDX Can't open phone index. USERLIST.FDX Can't open the userlist index. FDNET.PVT Can't open private nodelist. FDPOINT.PVT Can't open pointlist.!Can't open the compiled nodelist.U Pcp.FDaU Pcp.FDaU 3< u/ 2< u. 2< u. @ E *Record size is greater than MaxDataRecSize Record size is too small$Key length is greater than MaxKeyLen,Data File created with different record size2Index File created with different key or page sizeKIncompatible database format. Recompile nodelist with the correct compiler.U TACCESS.ERR)Turbo Access Fatal Error generated at Error File: Record: U : $See TACCESS.ERR for more information'Could not create error file TACCESS.ERRU &;ESt &;ESt - run Setup to correct.U Fd.Sys Error closing control file#System file revision level mismatch Fingerprint missing or invalid System data integrity violation Read error in control file Can't open control fileU ;w\t( fv\t( APPEND CD CHDIR CLS COPY CTTY DATE DEL DIR DISKCOPY ERASE FORMAT LABEL MD MKDIR PATH PAUSE PROMPT RD REMDIR REN RENAME SET SYS TIME TYPE VER VERIFY VOL XCOPY Swapping...U , G V